Turnkey Dropship Websites For Sale – Ultimate Buyers Guide

When it comes to finding turnkey dropship websites for sale, there are 1,000,001 different listings out there on various marketplaces.

Not to mention, the struggle to find a reputable seller to know you're getting a website worth your money.

 - Where can you find turnkey dropship websites for sale?

 - What to look for in a custom store service?

 - What are the pros and cons?

That's exactly what we're breaking down today.

Why Get Turnkey Dropship Websites?

turnkey dropship websites preloaded dropship websites

Rather than starting your own business from scratch, you can get a pre-built website. Maybe you're not exactly the most tech savvy... and instead, you want someone else to take care of the initial heavy lifting to get your dropship website up and running.

Then in that case, it's not a bad idea to get started with preloaded dropship websites.

I know I would have saved a LOT of time, and money, if I had just paid someone when first getting started in this business. It would have definitely given me a head start.

After all, dropshipping is an excellent business model and it would be a shame not to take advantage of the opportunity.

Where Can You Find Turnkey Dropship Websites For Sale?

turnkey dropship websites for sale

When looking for turnkey dropship websites, or even to get a pre-existing dropship website, there are a ton of different options.

Some of the most common marketplaces are:

  • Flippa
  • Shopify Exchange
  • Empire Flippers

The thing is, unless you have a large bankroll, many of these sites are not going to be worth it for you.

The websites for sale on these website marketplaces are either so cheap that you're getting ripped off and scammed, or they're quite expensive to afford to get into in the first place.

In order to acquire a website that's already a pre-existing business, you would also need an extensive background of marketing knowledge for it to even be worth it.

So what's the solution?

You can find a professional service to build the store for you.

What To Look For In A Custom Store Service?

turnkey dropship websites hand shake

When looking for a service to build you a pre-built store, you're able to get a dropship website that's fresh and designed custom just for you.

Not to mention, many companies will help you choose a profitable niche, and even get started with an actionable plan to move forward with your new business.

Additionally, you can expect around 50-200 products imported as well into your preloaded dropship websites.

The company I personally recommend for this is AliDropship.

Here's an overview of their turnkey dropship websites service:

AliDropship Custom Store Overview

Their pricing is quite reasonable for what they offer, and it will save you a lot of time when getting started.

If you'd rather build your own store with their dropshipping plugin, you can view my AliDropship review.

Turnkey Dropship Websites - Pros

  • No technical experience needed: The main benefit to preloaded dropship websites for most people is that you don't need any technical knowledge to get your business up and running.
  • Profitable niche research done: A daunting task for most beginners is finding and choosing a niche. With a pre-built store, that's already done for you and you can rest assured knowing that you're moving in a solid direction.
  • Save time: Personally I find the most valuable aspect of this service is that they're directly saving you time. Even for someone with technical experience, you don't have to worry about any of the tedious initial setup phase details.

Turnkey Dropship Websites - Cons

  • Learning the basics: One major downside is that you don't go through the learning curve to knowing exactly how to do everything if you want to tweak things in the future. However, you are able to find resources and help from many companies that offer the service.
  • Products may not be the best: When getting a turnkey store, many times the products are loaded without a ton of sales research to know if they will or will not sell well. You still need to make sure you audit the work done.


All in all, turnkey dropship websites for sale can vary greatly. There are pre-existing stores for sale, and custom store services such as AliDropship.

In either case, you'll save yourself time from that initial technical setup. However, your store does still need marketing effort and energy in order to get traffic and truly generate consistent sales.

Without effective marketing efforts, your site will be a ghost-town without any visistors.

Luckily, you can find plenty of resources for this from the seller of the store you order. Additionally, many will provide you with the proper educational background to succeed.

Personally, my best recommendation to start your dropshipping business is with AliDropship. They handle all the tech-setup and initial research for you.

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